DSP Disabled Students Program UCSB Home
2120 Student Resource Building Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3070 Phone 805 893 2668

Free Food + Bluebooks TODAY! Join us 4:30-10:00PM for Study Hall w/Ramen + CLAS tutors in the SRB/MPR.


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Please click to login and use your ucsb netid to login.

If you have forgotten your password, please visit UCSBnetID Password Reset Service

The information provided on this web site is intended solely for the private use of the individual whose UCSBnetID and Password have been entered. If you believe that the data displayed is not yours or is inaccurate, please contact the Disabled Students Program Office immediately. Unauthorized use of this data is not permitted. Unauthorized access, disclosure, or use of this information may result in disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution.