Please note that your accommodations only need to be activated once.

  1. Click on the “Services” tab 
  2. You will see a list of academic support services for which you have been approved for. Click on the name of a service (not the checkbox to the right of it). This will display the user agreement for that service. 
  3. Read the user agreement carefully.
  4. If you accept the rules and responsibilities for the service in question, check the “I Accept” box and click the "Update" button. You will be held accountable for following all service agreements.
  5. Now you can follow the necessary steps to request that accommodation, as stipulated in the agreement. 

    *You only need to activate your accommodations once, but you may review the terms of use at any time by returning to the "Services" tab and clicking on the name of the service you wish to review. 
List of approved services in need of activation

Still a little unclear about how to activate your services? Watch this short video tutorial by Kalli Talafus, DSP's Support Services Coordinator.