DSP engages in an interactive process (either through appointment or form) with prospective DSP students to determine an appropriate range of accommodations that facilitate equal access to education.  A list of our current services is described below. If you have any questions regarding the services offered, please contact your assigned specialist, and they can discuss these options with you in more detail.  Other possible services, including ones not listed, may be considered case-by-case.  Accommodations are always open to revision and change should that need occur. Please be aware that requests for accommodations must be timely. Requests for retroactive accommodations (e.g., after a deadline has passed) are typically not subject to accommodation. Thank you!

Reading Services

Scanned, digitized text

Capti is a text-to-speech literary tool that allows students to listen to and read digital files and internet pages for a more accessible reading experience. 

Learning Ally
Previously named Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic (RFB&D), produces accessible audiobooks for people who cannot effectively read standard print because of visual impairment, dyslexia, or other disabilities. 

ATC Brailler
Conversion of written materials into Braille for blind students.

Zoomtext is a magnification and screen reading software for the visually impaired. ZoomText enlarges, enhances, and reads everything on the computer screen.

Job Access With Speech, is a screen reader developed for computer users whose vision loss prevents them from seeing screen content or navigating with a mouse.

Notetaking Services

Glean is a web browser application for desktops and laptops that allows students to capture high-quality audio recordings and, in real-time, annotate with labels and text notes. Your typed notes can be synched with audio content and faculty slides.

Smart Pen
A ballpoint pen with an embedded computer and digital audio recorder. When used with special digital paper, it records what it writes for later uploading to a computer and synchronizes those notes with any audio it has recorded.  DSP loans Smart Pens, provides ink and refills, as well as the dot paper necessary for students to take their own notes.

Peer students in your classes that take notes and upload them into the DSP portal system. Please note that DSP may not be able to hire a note taker for all classes due to note taker availability. Requests for peer notetakers must include a statement indicating how the Smart Pen or Glean are not accessible.

Typed Notes Required
Notes from peer notetakers must be typed rather than handwritten.

Dictation and Transcription Services

Otter.ai Voice Meeting Notes
Otter is a transcription software that is available via a computer's web browser or a smartphone app. It can also be used as a dictation tool.

Dragon Naturally Speaking
Dragon Naturally Speaking allows students to dictate documents, search the web, and email by using their voice.

Test-taking Accommodations

Note that test-taking accommodations apply to all exams, quizzes, iClicker questions which are graded, as well as any other timed assessment administered in Canvas or other assessment platforms.

Extended time (150% , 200% or "stop the clock")

  • 150% Extended time: length of original exam time plus half (3hr final with 150% extended time= 4.5hrs)
  • 200% Extended time: length of original exam time doubled (3hr final with 200% extended time= 6hrs)

The length of extended time may be dependent on the type of exam (multiple-choice, short answer, essay, or problem-solving).

Stop the clock
During the stop the clock time, the student is not allowed to work on their exam but is attending to disability related symptoms.  Once the approved amount of clock stoppage has been reached, no additional time will be provided. This accommodation should not be interpreted as "unlimited time on exams".

Alternate exam setting
Allows students to test away from classroom setting but students may be grouped with other DSP students in their class. A DSP Proctor coordinates the exam.

Private exam setting
Allows student to test away from classroom setting but student will not be grouped with other students. A DSP Proctor coordinates the exam.

Exam writer
A DSP proctor who will write content dictated by DSP student or bubble in scantron answers. Due to the nature of this accommodation, it will take place in a private exam setting.

Exam tracker
Exam trackers assist students with connecting responses from their exam sheet to the intended answers on Scantron and other multiple-choice forms.  Due to the nature of this accommodation, it will take place in a private exam setting.  Trackers will not write/bubble in responses for DSP student

4 function calculator
DSP issued calculator for exams with use of the following functions: +, -, *, /

DSP issued laptop for exams, internet disabled and password protected

Exam reader
DSP proctor who will read exam prompts to DSP student

Spell checker
DSP issued Franklin Spelling Corrector for exams

Modified Exam format
This is a change to the physical format of the exam itself and may include large print, Braille, color overlay, white on black text or another modification to the standard print exam.

Memory aid
A memory aid is a testing accommodation used to support students who have documented challenges with memory. It is a tool used to trigger information that a student has studied but may have difficulty recalling. The memory aid allows the student to demonstrate knowledge of course material by helping prompt the student’s memory, not by providing the answer. 

Modified Exam Start Time
Based on disability some students may be able to alter the exam start times.

Modified Exam Setting
This is a modification to the exam environment or conditions during a proctored exam. This may include the use of a standing podium, access to food, breaks for medical treatment, the use of sunglasses, control over lighting preferences or another environmental modification.

Exam Reschedule
Based on disability, some students may be able to reschedule exams if they experience a flare of their condition on the exam day.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services

CART stands for Communication Access Real-time Translation.  It may also be referred to as real-time captioning.  CART services at UCSB may be provided by a CART captioner located in the classroom or by one who is accessing the course remotely and is located offsite.

Interpreting Services
American Sign Language Interpreters (ASL) present for all instructional environments, including lectures, labs, field trips and other required course activities, such as attending plays, concerts, public lectures and other events.  ASL services at UCSB may be provided by an interpreter located in the classroom.

Assistive Listening Devices
DSP has two types of devices depending on class size. The amplifiers bring sound directly into the ear. They separate the sounds, particularly speech, that a person wants to hear from background noise.
List of UCSB Classrooms with Assistive Listening Systems 

Course Design Accommodations

Course Design Accommodations
Please note these accommodations may require an intake to establish a nexus between the student's disability/functional limitation(s) and the accommodation. DSP must also evaluate whether the accommodation meets the standard of reasonable within the context of your course. As such, these accommodations may require full committee review as well as outreach to your faculty by DSP.

Accessible Furniture
A provision of a type or configuration of furniture specific to the needs of the student's disability.


Attendance Modification
Based on disability some students may be eligible for additional consideration in regard to a faculty’s existing attendance policies. Please note that DSP cannot waive attendance, cannot create a fundamental alteration to a course, and that accommodations are not retroactive. This accommodation is not a waiver nor approval for remote attendance. Students in need of this accommodation should schedule appointments with their assigned specialist as close to the beginning of the quarter as possible. 

Participation Modification
Based on disability some students may be eligible for additional consideration in regard to a faculty’s existing participation policies. Please note that DSP cannot waive participation, cannot create a fundamental alteration to a course, and that accommodations are not retroactive. Students in need of this accommodation should schedule appointments with their assigned specialist as close to the beginning of the quarter as possible.

Assignment Time Frame Modification
Some students may be eligible for additional time on assignments if their disability prevents them from submitting an assignment on time. Please note that syllabi are contracts with faculty, and requests for additional time may require coordination with faculty. Additional time may include releasing the assignment in advance without a change to the due date.  This accommodation may not apply to assignments that have been given to students from the beginning of class or may have a regular schedule for submission.

DSP cannot advocate for a deadline extension after the last day of instruction. DSP also cannot advocate for students after a deadline has been missed.

Students needing this accommodation should schedule appointments with their assigned specialist as close to the beginning of the quarter as possible.

Remote Participation as an Accommodation
Students with significant disabilities that impact in person classroom attendance may request an accommodation allowing them to participate in courses remotely. Students may be asked to submit additional documentation that specifically pertains to remote attendance. If there is no reasonable accommodation that will allow the student to attend class, there will be an accommodation made to allow the student to attend class remotely. Should this accommodation be granted, it is not retroactive for any class periods missed prior to the accommodation being put in place. Further, the accommodation cannot create a fundamental alteration to a course and as such may not be considered reasonable in each class/each quarter. This accommodation is determined on a case-by-case, quarter-by-quarter, course-by-course basis. After initial approval, a course-by-course evaluation may also be conducted at the discretion of the faculty. For students approved to take exams remotely, they must have their camera on and screen share at the start and duration of exams. Additionally,  some restrictions may apply - including lab courses, performance-based courses, etc.

In addition to the documentation that establishes eligibility for DSP, students seeking "Remote Participation as an Accommodation" will need to have their providers include a letter with the content indicated in the following Provider Verification Form: Provider Verification for RPA.pdf icon

Additionally, DSP will require students requesting this accommodation to provide responses to the Student Supplemental Form for Remote Participation as an Accommodationpdf icon

Another option you may wish to consider is the UC Online Program. This program enables UC students to take the same high-quality courses offered on campus but in an online format. Approval for enrollment should be obtained from your academic advisor to ensure that the course you wish to take satisfies the appropriate graduation requirement you need to fill. Each campus has a unique enrollment deadline for these courses so please contact the corresponding campus' registrar's office for information.


ESA in the Classroom

Based on disability, some students may be approved for the use of an ESA in the classroom as a reasonable academic accommodation. The ESA must be able to demonstrate, in-vivo, the ability to follow basic commands including sit, stay, come, leave-it (or their equivalents) so as to ensure the safety of others on campus. The handler must demonstrate care and control of the animal at all times. The handler is also responsible for clean-up, waste disposal, and ensuring that the animal is leashed at all times. The ESA may be barred from entering spaces where the animal is disruptive/destructive, is not permitted from entering due to health/safety issues, or when the animal’s presence is contraindicated due to another individual’s documented disability. In some laboratory situations, additional protective gear may need to be worn by the ESA in order to ensure the laboratory safety and contamination protocols are able to be maintained. DSP will work with faculty and EHS to assess safety and risk concerns.

Please contact your specialist if you are interested in securing the ESA in the classroom as an academic accommodation. Please direct all queries regarding ESA's in campus housing to University and Community Housing Services Office.

Graduate Students

Extended time to degree plans
DSP in coordination with Graduate Division as well as providers and/or treatment team may work to create an extended time to degree plan that allows graduate students to maintain good academic standing while taking fewer courses per quarter or taking a longer time to complete program milestones.  Please be aware that this accommodation cannot be applied retroactively. As such Time to Advance Target, Time to Degree Target, and current academic standing (e.g., monitoring status, probation status, etc.) will inform our ability to consider the timeliness of the request.

Comprehensive exam accommodations
DSP may work with department and faculty to address barriers introduced by some formats of comprehensive exams. DSP will coordinate with student and department to address inclusivity of format and recommend accessible modifications which may include extended time, modified exam format, etc.

If you are having trouble accessing services, please:

  1. Contact the DSP front desk at 805.893.2668 Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm.
  2. Contact your assigned specialist.
  3. View your signed service agreement (in the DSP portal) for contact information.
  4. Complete our Resolve a Grievance Form

Priority Registration

Priority registration allows students first pass at enrolling in the classes they want. This service is universally provided for all students enrolled in DSP who have a permanent disability.  Please visit the Office of the Registrar's website for specific pass dates.


Frequently Asked Questions about Priority Registration:

A: Priority Registration is only available for the first pass for all student groups who receive PR.

A: In order to ensure that everyone is able to register for some classes they need on their first pass, there is a limit of registrable units for Pass #1. DSP students who receive priority registration are able to enroll in a maximum of 15 units during Pass 1. The maximum number of units for Pass 2 will remain at 15 units. In other words, if you meet the maximum during Pass 1, you will not be able to add more classes during Pass 2.

A: You can ask your professor or the department, however DSP cannot override course or departmental prerequisites or major requirements for registration.

A: Please consult with your academic advisor. With over 200 majors on campus, your specific major advisor is the best resource for planning your academic path.

A: Faculty and departments may provide add codes and modify wait lists, but DSP does not have the ability to do so.

Other Accessibility Tools

None of the technology tools or resources in this section are offered or managed by DSP. For more information on cost and system requirements, please visit the links to the websites for each tool.

Devices, such as your iPhone, iPad, tablet, or laptop, have built-in features that can enhance your access and aid in the learning process. Below are some technology resources to explore: