Providing Exam Accommodations for Remote and In-Person Exams

Once a student has submitted an Instructor Letter, your next steps depend on whether the exam is taking place:

  1. In-person with you and/or your TA(s) proctoring the class
  2. Remotely with you and/or your TA(s) proctoring the class over Zoom
  3. Remotely, and students are not being proctored

Remote Exam, No Proctor

If the exam is taking place remotely and a proctor is not required, please provide exam accommodations based on the Instructor Letter alone. The Instructor Letter includes all necessary information pertaining to their approved extension of time for exams, quizzes, iClicker questions which are graded, and any other timed assessment administered in GauchoSpace or over Canvas. More information on the process for extending time in course management systems can be found here: GauchoSpace and Canvas Extended Time Test Protocol.

Proctored Exams (In-Person or Remote)

All proctored exams will need to be scheduled in advance through the DSP Portal. Instructions for using the DSP Portal can be found here.

Other Useful Resources:

Zoom Etiquette and Inclusion Guidelines:

  • Encourage all voices to join the conversation

  • Remind participants to keep themselves muted until they are ready to speak

  • Consider using gallery view to see more faces

  • Use nonverbals or the reactions button to show positive reactions and support

  • Encourage use of the “Raise hand” function to indicate when one is ready to speak

  • Encourage participants to self-monitor the amount of time they are talking

  • Invite others to join the conversation without calling anyone out

  • Be respectful to each other’s virtual boundaries – not everyone is comfortable being “on camera”

  • Be mindful of how things are conveyed in chat (avoid cyber bullying or hate speech)

  • If needed, encourage participants to take side conversations offline or request a breakout room Zoom meeting

Additional ADA Resources:

If you have specific questions regarding campus policies for accommodations for DSP students or employees at this time, please contact:

Becky Steiger
Deputy ADA Compliance Officer